Allen University Enrichment Clinic 2020

We are very fortunate to have had several high school students participate in the Allen University Enrichment Clinic on February 26, 2020. This event took place on the historic campus of Allen University which is located in Columbia, South Carolina and is also celebrating 150 years of existence. The clinic is multifaceted and occurs over the course of three days.

On the first two days, band directors from across the state are invited to bring their concert bands to perform before a panel of esteemed veteran band directors. This panel of directors provide invaluable feedback to both the students and directors in an effort to help them improve their level of musicianship. This year’s panel included legendary directors Mr. Alfred Watkins, Mr. Michael Foxworth, Dr. Tonya Mitchell-Spradlin, and Dr. Julian E. White. The Dillon Wind Ensemble was fortunate enough to perform for this panel and received many compliments and great feedback from the panel.

On the third day of the clinic, students from all over the state are invited to participate in an Enrichment Honor Band. There is one honor band for middle school aged students and another for high school. We were fortunate to have fifteen students selected to participate with this year’s high school group. We are so proud of the our students and their accomplishment.

We would like to thank Mr Eddie Ellis, Director of Bands at Allen University for being a visionary and hosting such a wonderful event. Additionally we’d like to thank Ms Mccollum, Mr Robinson, and SFC Gray for serving as chaperones for this trip. Go Cats!!!